Devilled kidneys
A special treat for a Friday evening to celebrate the delivery of lamb from Mr Roberts, the butcher in Bala. His lamb is superb and now we are well stocked up until next year. Ribs of beef were also included in our order. All now safely stored in the deepfreeze. This favourite recipe is based on…
Summer fruit and almond cake
Spent a rainy day sitting on the floor of my office looking through the mound of recipes torn from magazines and newspapers. Some recipes I was never going to cook. These were put into the paper recycle, some were filed for future use and a small pile was put to one side. These were the…
Trout with Salsa Verde
This recipe is for Simon fishing at Bredwardine on the river Wye in Herefordshire. “A wonderfully strong, clean, meandering river, the Wye has been a regular pilgrimage of mine for over a decade. Although I am mainly in hope of catching the powerful Barbel (Barbus barbus) in the company of some old friends, there are…
Ratatouille Niçoise
On the first page of Frederic Raphael’s novel, Heaven and Earth (1985) is the description of a tea-cloth on which is printed a recipe for ratatouille “Coriander seeds,” he said. “That’s a new one.” I love ratatouille, especially with scrambled eggs for a quick supper or cold as ‘a delicious beginning to a summer meal’…
Fig Tart
Here is a pudding I haven’t made but really want to make and know it will be delicious. We shall be in Madeira next week in time to catch the late, sweet figs we buy from the lady whose stall we pass on our way for coffee at the Café do Teatro in Funchal. One…
Summer Pudding
The first summer pudding is made and ready for supper this evening. I have just picked a final bucket full of redcurrants and removed the netting from the bushes so that the birds can eat what is left. It was a good harvest this year. I have made enough redcurrant jelly and more redcurrant juice is frozen…
Spicy Aubergine
I’m really excited about this recipe. Inspiration came from Emma Grazette and Stevie Parle’s book on spices. As they happened to be to hand, I have added shallots and chilli. -Susan 6-8 tomatoes 2 aubergines 2-3 shallots, peeled and quartered 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 red chilli, finely chopped 1 tsp cumin seeds Olive oil Salt and…
Redcurrant Jelly and Todays’ pudding Redcurrant
Enough redcurrants remained to make a second batch of redcurrant jelly. As these were riper than the ones I had picked last week, I used less water and the result is a jelly which is brighter but has lass tang. Two well marinated lamb chops, new potatoes, and a green salad were on the menu to…
Flattened chicken with Swiss Chard Gratin
My school friend Voirrey, with whom I spent every day of my school life, and her daughter, Angie (my god-daughter), and grandson Daniel are staying in Bath and coming for supper this evening. Good excuse to make Emma Grazette’s Flattened chicken with Swiss Chard Gratin (from her and Stevie Parle’s book, Spice Trip, The Simple…
Tomato Keftedes
In 1967, I was on the Exeter University coach on the Comex trip to India. We were a motley group. Students from Exeter, Reading, teaching training colleges and apprentices from Rolls Royce. The adventures we had were enough to bond us all for the rest of our lives. I was going to UEA later that year…