Baked Quinces

A friend recommended this Simon Hopkinson recipe as I was searching for an idea for a pudding to celebrate Twelfth Night. Served with vanilla ice cream, it was a huge success. A simple solution for the last meal of the Christmas season and how good that it makes no attempt to peel or core the fruit.

Oven at 170℃.

3 quinces
8 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp lemon juice
5-6 grindings of white pepper
1 tbsp quince liquor (if available)

Wash and clean the quinces and cut into quarters or eights. Put into a small casserole with a lid and add the rest of the ingredients. Bake
for an hour (or more if the slices are thick) until the fruit is soft and a delicate orange colour. Serve warm or cold.

Baked Quinces in a bowl