Breakfast Rhubarb with Pomegranate Juice

One of my favourite recipes in The Allotment Kitchen has to be the Mark Hix inspired rhubarb with spices. For breakfast I have started to indulge in an early morning version.

5 long stalks forced rhubarb, cut into 2cm cubes
120g granulated sugar
Juice of 1 pomegranate (or a splash of grenadine)
A few chilli flakes (optional)
A small peeled cube of ginger, splash of ginger syrup or pinch of ground ginger (optional)
2 tsp honey (optional)

In a pan make a syrup from the sugar, spices or honey (if using) and pomegranate juice. Add 100ml water and bring to the boil. Cook for a few minutes.

Add the rhubarb, cover the pan and simmer for about 10-15 minutes or until the rhubarb is soft (but with a little body) and retains its shape. It needs to cook very slowly – an Aga simmering oven is ideal – and it will cook a little more while it is cooling.

Leave to cool and serve with Greek or plain yoghurt.

Without a pomegranate, the juice of an orange could be added instead.