Leeks and Kale Sautéed with Pine Nuts and Dried Barberries

This is a quick recipe for January inspired by going through kitchen cupboards checking to see what dry ingredients were nearing the end of their ‘use by dates’.

3 leeks, trimmed, halved lengthways and finely sliced across
200g kale, stalks removed and torn into small pieces
30g butter
A few drops of olive oil
25g dried barberries (or use raisins and add the juice of half a lemon at the end of cooking)
25g toasted pine nuts

Prepare and wash the leeks and kale. Place the vegetables in a colander, pour over boiling water. Leave to drain for a few minutes.

Melt the butter with the oil in a large frying pan. Add the vegetables (no need to drain them too thoroughly), the barberries (or raisins) and season. Cook gently for about five minutes or until the vegetables have softened and the water has evaporated.

Transfer to a warmed dish and sprinkle over the pine nuts before serving.

This dish also works well made with cavolo nero in place of the kale.