Pickled Cucumber

In the summer I grew little fat cucumbers which were delicious peeled and cut into batons. They gave a crunchiness to salads. Now I am buying cucumbers and using them very differently. I am pickling them so they are soft but give flavour. I keep a constant supply in a jar in the fridge. Once made, pickled cucumber will keep for at least a week.

1½ cucumbers, cut into thin (but not the thinnest) slices using a mandolin
White wine vinegar
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp (or less) yellow mustard seeds
A few pickling chillies
About a 3cm piece of root ginger (optional)
More whole spices as you want, i.e., nigella, mace, turmeric root, star anise, fennel, celery seeds, black or green pepper
1 tsp dill, finely chopped

Pour enough vinegar to fill three quarters of the jar to be used into a saucepan and add the spices and sugar. Bring to the boil and let simmer for a few minutes, then leave to cool.

Place the sliced cucumber into a colander and sprinkle over the salt. Place a bowl underneath and leave for at least an hour for the juices to run. Rinse the cucumber and squeeze dry in a clean tea towel.

Pack the slices into the jar, top up with the vinegar (some of the larger spices such as the ginger can be removed), close the lid firmly and leave for at least a few hours.

Serve sprinkled with dill.

Of course, the cucumbers can be sliced in different ways. Onions or shallots could be added – prepared in the same way as the cucumbers. I don’t like my pickle too sweet but add more sugar if this is to your taste.