A big thank you to Nigella Lawson for giving us some class and fun during lockdown. Her Monday half hour cookery programmes on BBC2 have been fun, brave and filled with delights. Who else would base recipes around fishfingers, licorice or anchovies? It was the anchovy themed programme which had my attention. A supply of Ortiz anchovies have been a luxury during lockdown. Anchovies with pasta, made into anchovy butter for dressing sirloin steaks and on toast have all been enjoyed . Nigella’s commitment and love of anchovies encourages me to put them to much greater use.
100g salt packed anchovies (I used a tin of Ortiz anchovies instead)
3 large loves of garlic, peeled
Juice of one lemon
175g extra virgin olive oil
125 cold water
If using salted anchovies soak them for five minutes in cold water, change the water and soak again for a further five minutes. Run the anchovies under the tap and take off the tails. If using anchovies in olive oil also soak them twice to remove the oil.
Put the anchovies with all the other ingredients into a blender and blend until you have a ‘buff-grey and gloopily fluid sauce’.
Cook two or more sirloin steaks for three minutes on each side. Cut into 1.5cm slices and lay out on a serving plate. Splash over the anchovy sauce and take to the table. Truly an elixir!