Courgette, Tahini and Sunflower Seed Salad

A great way to cook courgettes which goes so well with floured and pan fried fish such as sardines or sea bass.

2-3 medium courgettes
Extra virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tbsp roasted sunflower seeds
1 tsp tahini paste
Juice of 1 lemon
Finely chopped mint leaves (optional)

Preferably using a mandolin, slice the courgettes very thinly at an angle. Sprinkle over some salt and leave for a few minutes. Pat dry.

Put two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan over a medium-high heat and, when hot, add the courgettes in batches, tossing them around for a few minutes until they are just cooked. You may need to add more oil between batches. Stir in the garlic for the last minute or two of cooking. Leave to cool.

In a bowl, mix the tahini paste with the lemon juice and a tablespoon or so of the extra virgin olive oil. The constituency should be that of double cream Add the courgettes and sunflower seeds. Mix carefully. Taste, you may want to add more salt. Add mint leaves if using.

Turn into a shallow dish for serving.