Fresh Coriander Cutney

An allotment neighbour has just given me a large handful of coriander. Good to be able to put it to immediate use.

As Monisha Bharadwaj writes, ‘Green coriander chutney is the ubiquitous dipping sauce in India’. Quick, easy and delicious. Try it with onion bhajias, samosa or cold chicken. Nearly every Indian cookery writer will have a recipe. Where coconuts are grown, the sauce may include fresh coconut. In Mughal India roasted almonds or pistachios are used. Root ginger can be added and some recipes include roasted cumin or a little sugar. Mint leaves can be added or indeed can replace coriander to make a different but similar green chutney.

70g coriander leaves and stalks (or 50g coriander and 20g mint leaves)
Juice of 1 lemon
1 green chilli
30g roasted pistachios (or almonds)
Salt to taste

Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blitz into a creamy sauce. If the sauce is very thick, you may need to add a little water or almond milk.

The chutney will keep for up to three days stored in an airtight container in the fridge.

Chilli plants at 8 weeks since seeds planted
Simon’s Chilli plants eight weeks after planting seeds.