Fried Courgette Batons

Coronavirus continues and new patterns of life become habit. Apparently, nationally there is less food waste and certainly I would be reluctant to throw out anything bought after queuing for hours and then having to carry home.

From all this, little ‘meze’ dishes are starting to become part of meals. These courgette batons are great and very moreish.

Courgette including flowers illustrated in watercolour by Carrie Hill

2 courgettes, cut into batons
2-3 tbsp plain flour (or gram flour)
Olive oil
Juice of ½ lemon
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Place the courgette batons in a colander and salt generously. Leave to sweat for at least an hour. Rinse well and pat dry with kitchen paper. Dust with seasoned flour (I place them in a plastic bag with the flour and give it a good shake). Heat oil in a deep sided frying pan or a saucepan and heat to medium-high. Try one baton in the oil to see if it sizzles and then cook in batches, turning them in the oil to make sure all sides are cooked. They should be golden brown. Remove from the heat, drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle generously with sumac. Pour over lemon juice.

To make more of a dish, feta or goats cheese could be crumbled on top.

Serve warm.