Broad Beans, Artichoke and Potato Stew

This dish marks another point in the allotment calendar. The asparagus season finishes on 18 June (Waterloo Day) and remaining spears are left to grow. We will weed the asparagus bed and give it a good feed. Bring on the next dish! This is very special. Its origin is in southern Italy where it is called Ciaudedda.

Artichoke illustration for The Allotment Kitchen

1 large onion, sliced
Extra virgin olive oil
125g pancetta (optional)
500g shelled broad beans
500g new potatoes, scrubbed and sliced
5-8 artichokes
Small bunch mint, leaves only, roughly chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Start by preparing the artichokes. Take off the bottom leaves and trim the base of the artichoke. Cut off the sections below and around the ‘choke’. Cut these sections into pieces and place them in a bowl of cold water infused with lemon juice.

Using a large frying pan with a lid, fry the onion and pancetta (if using) in the olive oil until just beginning to colour. Add the broad beans,potatoes and the artichoke pieces, drained. Season. Add enough water to almost cover the vegetables and put on the lid. Cook gently, stirring from time to time, for about 30 minutes or until the vegetables are soft. Take off the lid for the last few minutes of cooking and add the chopped mint leaves.

Serve hot. There should be enough cooking liquid remaining to be used as a sauce.