Now that my tax return is completed, I have an office to sort out. Lots of recipes and cuttings in piles on the floor. It’s funny how some recipes just catch the imagination and need to be tried.
Just now it’s a recipe from The Observer Food Monthly of a year ago. Chefs suggestions for budget meals was the theme and Asma Khan has a tasty recipe for prawns and spinach. Perfect for a quick lunch or a first course. Of course more or less chilli can be used but it pays to be daring as the chilli does bring out all the flavours.

330g raw peeled prawns (king prawns would be best)
½tsp turmeric
Generous pinch chilli powder
2 medium onions, thinly sliced
1 whole bulb garlic
100g fresh root ginger
1 packet fresh red chillies
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 packet spinach, washed and well drained
1 packet naan bread

Wash the prawns and pat them dry with kitchen paper Rub them in the turmeric and chilli powder and set aside.
Make a garlic and ginger paste by blending finely peeled ginger with skinned garlic cloves in a little water. For this recipe you will need two tablespoons of ginger garlic paste. Any left over can be stored in similar quantities in the deep freeze for future use.
Set aside one chilli for serving and chop the rest into thick slices (no need to remove the seeds).

Heat the oil in a medium sized saucepan and, on a high heat, fry the prawns. When thy are cooked, transfer them to to a plate and set aside. Add the onions to the saucepan and fry until the edges brown. Then add the garlic and ginger paste and the chopped chillies. Fry until oil separates from the mixture.
Add the spinach and salt and cook until most of the water from the spinach has evaporated.
Add the prawns, check seasoning, garnish with the whole chilli and serve with naan bread.