Meeting up with old Penguin colleagues

Had a great reunion with Elizabeth Williamson, Tye Blacksaw and Kathryn Penn-Simkins, all old Penguin/Buildings of England chums on 31 October. Three of us went to the Anni Albers exhibition at the Tate Modern and then met up with Kathryn for a drink at Terroirs, off Trafalgar Square.

Kathryn brought us presents of her home-made membrillo which was truly delicious. We ate some for lunch on Saturday with Fosse Way Fleece cheese and a dry sherry, Recipe will follow but some key advice is to have a small towel ready in which to wrap the hand that holds the wooden spoon as the mixture gurgles and splashes as it cooks.

An alternative to a quince paste is meddlar cheese. My meddlars are just beginning to soften.

All smiles at the Tate Modern


Me, Elizabeth and Tye at the Tate Modern.