Apple Crumble revisited

We have had mixed fortunes with our apples this year. At least the Bramley is reliable and we are collecting buckets of apples every day. Apple crumble, apple pie, baked apples, apple snow, apple cake and many more apples have been prepared and frozen. A few perfect apples were also stored in the vaults but were quickly eaten by mice or rats. A pity.

It is never too late to revisit a recipe and I am deciding that my new apple crumble is a much improved version. In it, I use more ground almonds and less flour

Peel, core and slice four or five Bramley or other cooking apples and cook them in almost no water with two or three tablespoons of granulated sugar. Use a lid and cook on a moderate heat until the apples start to break. Stir them from time to time to be sure none is sticking to the bottom of the pan. Turn them into a basin to cool.

Put 75g cubed butter, 75g granulated sugar (or mix granulated with demerara sugar), 25g porridge oats, 100g ground almonds, 50g plain flour and, optionally, a spoonful or two of flaked almonds into a pastry bowl and, using your fingers, make into a breadcrumb-like mixture.

Turn the apples into an ovenproof pudding bowl and spread the crumble mixture lightly on top. A little golden syrup could also be ‘drizzled’ over. Bake at 180°C for 30-45 minutes until the top of the crumble is cooked and caramel coloured.

Perfect served hot with custard.