Salsa Verde

Friday evening suppers have to be easy as I come home late from the stables. Because it’s Friday, the tradition is that it should be fish or vegetarian. Last Friday I bought two excellent tuna steaks from Tesco. The fish monger kindly wrapped them with an ice pack (not that the interior of my old Saab was so warm).

Quickly fried tuna (just pink in the middle) with salsa verde served with small potatoes and a tomato salad. What could be simpler and taste so good? Salsa verde is indeed easy to prepare but it does need concentration and enough patience to make sure that every bit of chopping is properly done. All the elements should be chopped fine but still be identifiable; salsa verde must never turn into a gloppy mess.

The herbs used can vary. Parsley is always good and mint and basil usually so. Dill goes well with fish. Change the herbs with the season and what the salsa verde will accompany. As well as fish, salsa verde with veal is especially delicious. To serve with meat use more mustard and less to go with fish.

Unique Mint Drawing Watercolour for The Allotment Kitchen Book

1 handful parsley
1 handful mint, basil or any other herb
1 tbsp capers
Juice of ½ lemon
4 anchovy fillets
½ – 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, crushed
4 tbsp virgin olive oil
Approx 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Thyme herb illustration by Carrie Hill for The Allotment Kitchen by Susan Williamson

Start by straining the capers and drying them on kitchen paper.

Using a very sharp knife, finely chop the herbs. You could do this in a blender but, if you do, be very sure that you do not turn them into mush.

Put the herbs into a bowl, add the olive oil. Chop the capers and anchovies together until very fine and add thee to the herbs. Add most of the red vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, salt, pepper and garlic and mix carefully. Check the consistency and add more vinegar or lemon juice if necessary.

Let the salsa verde stand for a few minutes and taste before serving. More mustard or salt may be required. Basil Leaves and delicious recipes