The Jane Grigson Trust Library Review

“THE ALLOTMENT KITCHEN – Favourite recipes and Ideas by Susan Williamson, illustrations by Carrie Hill

A most useful collection of recipes for fruit and vegetables from a dedicated allotment holder in the centre of Bath. Susan Williamson’s style is informal and helpful, the text reads like a conversation with a friend on the next plot. In addition to conventional recipes there are many valuable tips and ideas and the author’s good sense and experience shines through the 230 pages.

The chapters on leeks, potatoes, raspberries and pears are specially strong. Enjoyable finds include the recipe for Unboiled Raspberry Jam, and rediscovering the Springfield Pear and Ginger Upside-down Cake from Grigson’s Fruit Book.

Susan Williamson also has some excellent recipes for sauces and dressings such as such as Sorrel Butter, Elderberry Dressing for Game, and Oriental Dressing for Spinach. These welcome additions to a dish are also ideal for serving with other sparkling fresh and simply prepared produce straight from the garden and allotment.

Taking her cue from Jane Grigson’s seminal Vegetable Book, the author lists her chosen vegetables and fruits alphabetically and the range of crops and varieties she grows makes me wonder about the size of her allotment or whether she tends more than one. In some parts of Britain allotments now have long waiting lists of keen would-be tenants, a copy of this handsome book would surely be some consolation to the enthusiastic yet patient gardener.”

– Geraldene Holt 29/03/16
[The Jane Grigson Trust Library]