Apple Jelly and Chilli Jelly

We have a bumper crop of crab apples this year. I made crab apple jelly, but enough of the strained juice was left to make chilli jelly too! -Susan

Apple Jelly from The Allotment Garden by Susan Williamson
Crab Apple Jelly by Susan Williamson author of The Allotment Kitchen
Chilli Jelly

1 litre crab apple juice
800g granulated sugar
6 or 7 red chillies, tops removed and finely sliced
175g cider vinegarRed Chilli
Have ready four or five warm sterilised jam pots. (I put pots in a hot dishwasher cycle before starting to make the jelly.)

In a preserving pan, slowly heat up the strained juice with the vinegar, add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Add the sliced chilllies.

Raise the heat and boil the jelly vigorously for 15 minutes. Test for setting by putting a little of the jelly onto a cold saucer. Let the jelly cool, then draw your finger across it. It should wrinkle.

When the jelly is ready, take it off the heat and, to help spread the chillies evenly, let it stand for a few minutes before potting.

The jelly should keep for a year but once opened, store it in the fridge and use within a month.