Spicy Aubergine

I’m really excited about this recipe. Inspiration came from Emma Grazette and Stevie Parle’s book on spices. As they happened to be to hand, I have added shallots and chilli.
6-8 tomatoes
2 aubergines
2-3 shallots, peeled and quartered
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 red chilli, finely chopped
1 tsp cumin seeds
Olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Feta cheese

Slice the aubergine, then cut the slices in half to form semicircles. Place in a colander and sprinkle over salt. Leave for at least half an hour for the bitter juices to run.

Cut the tops off the tomatoes and place them flat side down with a little oil in a large frying pan. Cook slowly with the lid on until the juice runs. Add the shallots and chilli. When the tomato skins are wrinkled removed them with a fork. Add the garlic and season. Continue to cook without the lid until the sauce is thick.

Rinse the aubergines to remove any excess salt and dry them on kitchen paper. Using a frying pan, cook the aubergine slices in oil until brown on both sides. As they are cooked, drain them on kitchen paper.

When all the aubergines slices are cooked, put the cumin seeds into the pan and cook for about a minute until brown and popping. Add the aubergine slices and cumin to the tomato sauce. Heat through and check the seasoning.

Crumble over some Feta cheese and serve with crusty bread.